Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts

Monday, April 6, 2009

Time Keeps On Slipping

I know blogging every 2 weeks is no way to keep readers interested. It certainly no way to guide readers to my etsy shop or even to my ebay listings.

So I'm back to the same whine about time.

What has to give? I would love to give up doing laundry, dishes, making the beds. Not having to clean the dog poo in the yard would be a thrill, but it would be seriously thrilling for the mail carrier trying to dodge the mines in my yard. On top of my mama-wife-household life, I added a Hemoc Center advisory committee and the chair-mama for the Davey Elementary Art Expo. Which really means hours of displaying amazing art and trying to get someone to judge it.

I have also started a new line of jewelry to add to my shop and an additional blog for my photography.

I'm back to the question. What do I have to give up to be more streamlined. Apparently, the answer is sleep.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A New Week, A New Attitude

I was just a wee whiney last night.

Well, that's all done now and the new week has really started. The linens are in the wash, Fairy Princess is back in school and the dreaded pink eye seems to have missed me and the kids.

I have a very clean house since I obsesed last week. Hey, that leave me time to finish a few items and get them listed! And I tell ya, I feel a sale coming my way!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What a stinking Week It Was

I need a little whine time here. Pass this over if you like.

Fairy Princess had the flu and missed school all week long. She cried every time I called her off, she loves school. Finally, I printed up Kindergarten papers off the web for her to work on. She's now past the number they were working on in class.

Then The Husband catches the flu. He gets to spend the entire day in bed. I swear he got sick on purpose... Even though he had a fever of 102 degrees, I'm still envious of his time in bed.

Little Man keeps crying for his Sissy and Daddy. Mommy is no longer any fun and no paint, play dough or circus tricks could change his mind.

Finally, Fairy Princess is much better. Well enough for her 1st slumber party at at friends house. Six 6 year olds... The mommy must be medicated. All of the girls had a great time and I only had 1 kid at home waking up at night. WooHoo me, the weekend is getting brighter.

I bathed in bleach all week, and washed all soft and hard surfaces my kid and husband touched. All should be well

Husband has a secondary infection (sinus infection) and PINK EYE! I bathe the house in bleach again, Lysol everything and purchase a case of Purel.

I think I have pink eye, still can't take a nap even if I did have a 102 degree fever because tomorrow is Monday.Husband works all week. Not that I'm complaining about work, I just want a @#$% nap.

On top of it all. Two, count them, TWO sales were canceled by the people who made purchases! Dirty Bastards.

Sunday night is almost done. I know, Sunday is the first day of the week, but I'm calling Monday the first day this week... It can only get better from here. Right?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Playing for Keeps

What could be more fun than playing in the mud?

Playing in paste!

This is my first attempt at paper mache since grade school.
What a blast I had! I think she is a first in a series, because I kept having the greatest ideas pop into my head as I was forming her and painting her.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Fabulous Finds Friday

Don't you just love a great estate sale? How about your favorite thrift shop? Mine really gave me something special this week....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sneak Peek

Here is a sneak peek at some up-coming listings!
Don't you just love fresh laundry?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Busy Day

It's been a busy day in the Ratliff household.
Gymnastics followed by Stownut Donut for a mid morning snack, to the bank for cash and back to Stownut donut to pay for said snack. Oops.
Once Fairy Princess hopped onto the school bus, Little Man and I got busy. I tidied toys and he brought them all back out again, we had hot cocoa and I took photos in between diaper changes and Thomas the Train track drama.
Here is a sample of what I did today...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Change is Good

New Name, updated look. I'm happy with the new blog, let's hope I keep up with it.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Meet Dulcie

I come from a long line of lace makers, poets, painters. Women that found beauty in the most difficult and unusual of circumstances. But there is one woman that took me by the hand and led me to a path of imagination and creativity in a way that no other could possibly do.

I would like to introduce my grandmother, Dulcie to you. She was the brilliantly talented woman I have named my shop, Dulcie's Daughters, after. She was a poet, painter and master gardener ; she was a true Renaissance Woman in every way. Her sense of adventure led her to go against tradition and earn her medical degree in a University where only 3 women were enrolled. Her talent earned her publication and acclaim; her grace earned her friendships throughout the world. And through my sister and me, she insured that the creativity flowing though our bodies was never lost to us.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Featured On Day One and I Am So Greatful

I was so excited last night when I finally finished my first Etsy listings, and then I woke up to this... !

I know photography isn't the easiest sell, but I do hope this is a sign of things to come. Yay me!

Friday, February 20, 2009


That's all I've got to say

Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's Been A Long and Productive Winter

So why don't I have any photos to show what I've done?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Taking the Drama Out of Breakfast

Apparently, our children think we've been feeding them poison for breakfast. Their once favorite oatmeal now brings tears and refusals to eat. What brought this on? A visit to Great-Grandma's house.Great-Grandma does not cook. Not unless it comes out of a package. Like a box of waffles. To my children, these freeze dried treats are pretty tasty once slathered in peanut butter and doused with fake maple syrup. I'm a bit of a food snob, I'll admit it freely, and I'm frugal. I refuse to pay for over priced, bland tasting freezer food. Since my children very quickly took a liking to it, I decided to abide them by making our own freezer waffles and taking the drama out of breakfast. Oh yum, if you don't have a waffle maker, I recommend going to Target and spending $9.99 on a toastmaster waffle maker.

Go ahead, I'll wait...

...This was the best batter I've made yet. I copied the recipe from some magazine eons ago, so I can't give proper credit due, I'm guessing it was from Taste of Home? The batter was very airy and the waffles are fluffy and light. And I'll admit to cheating and using Jiffy baking mix like the recipe called for however, if your a purest, go ahead and mix your own dry ingredients, but follow the next steps... You won't regret it...

Fluffy Light Waffles
2 Cups dry mix
2 eggs
1/2 Cup oil
1 Cup club soda.
Mix together and cook.
This recipe makes 10 waffles in my maker.I made 4 batches and popped them into the freezer.If my kids have a fit at breakfast tomorrow, you may find them for sale in my Etsy shop... They are home made, after all.

Friday, January 23, 2009


The bitter cold has let go and the kids are behaving like their little monkey selves again. This gives me the chance to sit for a few minutes at a time and get some work done. I've been working on a few smalls this week...
Here is a sample...

This is, Storms Clear the Air

This is, Hollyhocks