Friday, February 8, 2008

Pity and Accusations

I see the pity in your eyes as we choose the ripest berries in the produce isle;
Why don't you just ask?

I hear your gasps as you you first see him;
Don't look quickly away like you didn't gasp, smile at him and say "hi".

I see the glaring accusations in your eyes as we play in the park;
Stop whispering and call Child Services if you are really concerned...

Have you ever seen a child you suspected being abused or mistreated in any way? Did you follow the family to the car to get their license plate number? Did you get the manager of the store you were in? Did you help that child?
Or were you too busy, didn't want to be a bother, didn't want to be embarrassed if you were wrong?

If you suspect any child is being abused, call your local Child Services. If the child has an illness that makes him or her look bruised and battered, like my own son, the family has piles of paperwork to back up their story. I will happily take him to the hospital for a check-up, I will happily talk to a therapist, case worker and even the police officer.
If you worry, don't hesitate to get involved...
No child should be left behind to suffer alone.

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